25-27 SEPT 2024

Passes Pass Selection

Visitor Visitor information 0/0

Company Company information

Personal Data


Title *
Name *
Surname *
Country *
State / Province *
State / Province *
City *
City *
Phone number *
E-mail *
Confirm Your e-mail *
Twitter Profile
Linkedin Profile
To check the veracity of your data, please attach a link to some recent work signed by you *
Coverage plan at The District *
Do you require a visa to enter Spain and require a supporting letter to support your application?
Document type


Gender *
Full name as shown on ID/passport *
Date of birth *
Place of birth *
Nationality *
Document Number *
Place of Issue *
Date of Issue *
Date of Expiry *

Passes Pass Selection

Visitor Visitor information 0/0

Company Company information

Professional Data


Job Position *
Media Name *
Adress *
Postal Code *
Country *
City *
Media website *

Acceptance of conditions


*The District is a professional event. In case any group of students is interested in attending The District, they should contact and make the request through the email: talent@thedistrictshow.com to know the conditions and manage their access, which can only be done on the last day 27th September from 13:00 on.


Your tickets

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Select a pass to continue.